Betrayal of Children

“Referral Question: Which parent is the source of pathogenic parenting creating the child’s attachment pathology, and what are the treatment implications?
Clinical psychology can answer that limited-scope treatment related question in about four to six weeks for about $2,500.
So… forensic psychology… why does it take you six to nine months and $20,000 to $40,000 to return no diagnosis and no treatment plan… and to solve nothing?
Does the child have a persecutory delusion, forensic psychology? Did you even look?
Is this IPV spousal abuse of the targeted parent? Do you even care?
Or do you simply do what you do, your child custody evaluation procedures, not looking, not caring. A betrayal of your obligation to protect the child. A betrayal of your obligation to protect the parent.
What’s it cost now days, betrayal? What’s the going price for that? 20,000 to 40,000 pieces of silver?
Hardly seems worth it.
I diagnose child abuse, I protect children.
I diagnose the brutal and savage emotional abuse of the ex-spouse using the child as the weapon.
Do you?”

Dr. Craig Childress: Attachment Based "Parental Alienation" (AB-PA)

What’s the going price for the betrayal of children these days?

Apparently it’s 20,000 to 40,000 pieces of silver. It appears the price of betrayal has gone up.

Dr. Childress diagnoses child abuse when it is present.  When a parent creates delusional-psychotic pathology in the child that damages the child’s bond to the other parent, that is a DSM-5 diagnosis of Psychological Child Abuse (V995.51). When the purpose is to make the other spouse-and-parent suffer, that’s IPV emotional abuse of the ex-spouse, using the child as the weapon.

Dr. Childress diagnoses child abuse when it is present.

Dr. Childress diagnoses IPV spousal abuse when it is present.

Do you forensic psychology?  In your child custody evaluations, do you diagnose a persecutory delusion in the child and a DSM-5 diagnosis of Child Psychological Abuse?  Do you diagnose the brutal and savage emotional abuse of the ex-spouse/targeted parent, the IPV spousal abuse…

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