NHS Improvement’s Kark implementation process & dissing dissent

Tackling psychopathy: a necessary competency in leadership development?

As the author comments, psychopathic individuals excel at kissing up and kicking down, and may manage upwards in a manipulative way, to please regulators such as NHSI:

“The problem for leadership development16 is that psychopathic individuals can achieve most of the key competencies including getting others to follow them, being politically astute, relating to senior colleagues with charm, and possessing excellent communication skills. If the person can muster sufficient ‘charisma’ and achieve set targets (for example, in cost cutting), affective instability and the tendency to damage others could be overlooked by organisations”

Alexander's Excavations

By Dr Minh Alexander, NHS whistleblower and former consultant psychiatrist 22 October 2019 


Summary: NHS Improvement has started a process of deciding which of several recommendations from the Kark Review will be implemented and how. Incomplete information has been publicly shared to date, but some more information has been obtained and the relevant documents are provided below. The documents shared so far show an attempt by NHS Improvement to water things down with an emphasis on “light touch”.

NHS Improvement and other bodies have a history of not consulting openly enough with whistleblowers or making adequate use of their extensive knowledge of system failure. Certain voices may be selected without transparent, sufficient justification, and some may also be paid. Some FOI data giving a past example of the latter is provided.

There is also a tendency to rely on intermediaries such as the National Guardian’s Office, about which…

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