Prayer and Fasting When the Time for Isha Does Not Occur

A detailed treatise providing a step-by-step jurisprudential analysis which clarifies the Rukhsa and existence of summertime flexibility over Isha time for Muslims living in the twilight zone north of 48.5 degrees latitude. It deals with the issue of prayer-time ‘adjustment’ in a way demonstrably more compatible with universally established Hanafi principles than by fudging the issues by importing non-hanafi methodology. Evidence-based responses from British ‘ulama and Imams would be welcome after considering the measured points here, which are more compatible with following one’s own madhab properly, instead of risking Talfiq or mixing different methodologies from other Madhaahib, for, in fact, aqrab al-ayyaam, nisf al-layl, sab’at ul-layl et al are actually Shawafi’ and Maliki concepts and as such not found amongst the Ahnaaf. . Ramadhan Kareem.

Shaykh Atabek Shukurov an Nasafi


One of my students recently issued a Fatwa (legal verdict), that it was permissible to begin your fast at Sunrise and fast until sunset. He also explained that a person can pray their Maghrib, Isha and Fajr at any time within this timescale. This has caused controversy amongst many supposedly learned scholars, some of whom are famous for issuing a multitude of Islamic rulings (‘fatwas’) and others who allegedly teach these specific books in which the information my student used is found. So I will explain the step by step process which resulted in the fatwa given by my student and I will also provide evidence for each aspect of the process. In this article I will tackle the issue from the perspective of Hanafi Jurisprudence. There is a wealth of evidence solely from this source. Once I have proven the issue from the perspective of Hanafi Jurisprudence which is…

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